Are you one of the 54% of adults in the UK that doesn’t have a will?

by Joanna Waton

By making a will you are making sure your wishes are met, and the people and causes you care about are looked after. We have partnered with the free will writing service, Bequeathed, to help you write your will in just a few easy stages.

1) Visit the Bequeathed website to register ( and complete a secure online interview which gathers all the information a legal advisor needs from you. Online chat is available if you need help.
2) Book a call with Bequeathed’s legal team, or a meeting with your local legal firm in person. Your advisor will help explore your needs and explain your options.
3) You will then receive your will which needs to be signed and witnessed.

You are under no obligation to make a donation, but we would be extremely grateful if you would consider leaving a gift in your will to MyVision Oxfordshire. Your legacy would mean we can continue to support visually impaired people in Oxfordshire for many years to come.

Bequeathed have been working hard to make their process as accessible as possible. However, if you have anyquestions or need any help, we can support you with the process at MyVision. We will be holding a Free Will Clinic at Bradbury Lodge on Wednesday 18th October where we can support you with stage one of the process.

If you’d like to hear more, or book a slot on 18th October, please contact us on or 01865 725595.

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.